Iona Kelli-Sellars
has been dancing in various forms since childhood and has worked both as a performer and a choreographer. She also has a professional background in Science, and was awarded a Doctorate in 1992. She worked as a Research Scientist before choosing to devote more of her energies to sharing her love of Dance.
She has been dancing the 5 Rhythms since 1994 and  continues to be a student of this path. She is also currently training with the
Person Centred Expressive Arts Therapy Institute,  working  with  the healing potential of Authentic Movement, Art and Creative Writing.
She teaches from the truth of her own dancing  journey, guided and inspired by a lifelong love affair with music of all kinds.

"For me the dance is an Alchemy - when we step onto the  dancefloor, we step into a sacred laboratory where our bodies are the matter we are to work with. In the dance we transmute the dark heaviness of our limitations and burdens (the lead) into the liberation of our Soul light (the gold)"

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